Medical Service: FAQs about
Hospitals, Doctors, Pharmacies...

John Cabot University maintains a list of English-speaking doctors (also found in the Student Handbook), and can make other recommendations of specialists. Italian doctors expect to be paid at the time of the visit, in cash. You should keep the receipt to turn in to your insurance company.
Similar or identical brands and mixtures are available, like cold medicines, etc. But if there is a certain product you are used to, bring it with you. Do not attempt to have medicine mailed to you.
If you will need to take a certain medication while abroad, it is best to bring enough with you. If you need a prescription while in Italy, you will have to see a local doctor and have a new prescription written.
If you anticipate this, ask your doctor to give you the "generic" prescription (the ingredients) as drug names will be different.
Tests must be prescribed by a doctor in the Italian system; you cannot use prescriptions or test requests written in the US. All tests available in the US can be done here.
If you expect to have needs of this kind while studying abroad, it is wise to notify the University so that we can advise you and prepare for your needs.
The first thing to do in case of a health emergency that is extreme or urgent is to inform the University, 06 681 9121 (or call directly to Paulyne Day, 06 681 91223). After 5 p.m. you may call one of these staff members at home: Dr. Francesca Gleason 06-614 - 4099; Dean Pavoncello 06-361-346.
Students can call the JCU Emergency Cell phone number, which is 348 044 3098. We will accompany you or meet you at the hospital. During Orientation at John Cabot University you will fill out a health information form, which will be kept on file in case of emergency.
Pronto Soccorso is emergency room service. Most PUBLIC hospitals have emergency service, where you can go for immediate treatment. For emergency assistance call 113 or 5510 which is the Red Cross ambulance service, or 118 which is the PIC (Pronto Intervento Cittadino).
You can also walk in to a hospital if you are close, or call a taxi to take you. The hospitals are listed in the emergency information section of the Student Handbook that you will receive at Orientation.
Italy’s medical system is socialized. This means that there are public hospitals that anyone, including visiting students, may go for treatment.
There is no charge for emergency services, including ambulance transportation, and only minimal charges should you be admitted. In addition, Italy has a system of private hospitals that you can choose to be admitted to for treatment.
Most private hospitals costs less than American hospitals, and often you can pay with a credit card or use your private insurance. John Cabot staff will work with you in choosing the appropriate hospital.
The public hospital system can be slow, you may have to wait a few days for a procedure to be done, and you will not have a choice of physician. However, there is a doctor of every specialty on service at all times, so you will receive good treatment. There is no "hotel" aspect to public hospitals. You will probably share a room with from 1 to 7 other patients.
Hospital personnel will do their best to find English speaking professionals, but it may not be possible. John Cabot University staff will assist you in any way, including accompanying you to hospitals and doctors, and translating.
At Orientation, all students will receive a Student Handbook with many additional details about life in Rome, your safety and health while studying abroad.