Here you can find useful information about your stay in Rome as a foreign student.
Before leaving your home country:
Take the documents necessary to be admittance to italian university and regarding your health:
- STATEMENT from home University certifying that you are in Rome as an Erasmus student.
- APPLICATION FORM for incoming erasmus students
When you arrive in Rome:
The first thing to do when your arrive at your destination is to look for the Erasmus Office of your faculty.
Where you are there you will be given 2 Erasmus certificates: one issued by your institution at home (a document in which there is the day you left) and another one issued by your italian faculty, which you will use in Italy.
The secretary's office will assign to you an erasmus coordinator, who will give you a lot of useful information: from italian language courses to solutions for administrative problems and useful information about exams.
Every faculty has its representative, the REAF (Responsabile Amministrativo Erasmus di Facoltà).
University "La sapienza": Erasmus Office
Address: Palazzina delle Segreterie
scala C piano terra
(university city)
Phone: 0039 06 4991.2728
Fax: 0039 06 4991.2735
After you have enrolled in your university you have to get the "FISCAL CODE"
The fiscal code is the same as a social security number in other countries.
With the fiscal code you will able to open a bank account and to get the ADISU CARD (see next).
You can get the fiscal code directely in the office in Via Ippolito Nievo.
You must have a valid identification document.
Other useful information:
The ADISU (Azienda per il diritto allo Studio Universitario) Card:
is a special card which gives you the possibility to benefit of the University canteens, sports and other services/facilities.
With this card you can get a full meal for just 1,5 euros!
via Cesare De Lellis 24/b 3rd floor
Opentime: Monday- Wednesdat - Friday from 9:00 to 13:30
Tuesday - Thursday 9:00 - 16:30
Phone: (0039) 06 4970.344-377
If you want to study italian before the beginning of your university courses We suggest you to have a look at the Italian language school in Rome Leonardo da Vinci, which offers preparatory courses to italian university exspecially for Medical and Architectural studies.