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Monuments of Rome

Rome, the Eternal City is renewed for its various monuments.
Here follows a list of the main ones.


Monuments in Rome: Colosseum

No visit to Rome is complete without having seen its magnificent Colosseum, a vast amphitheatre with seating for 55,000 that was designed as a horse racing circuit and arena for animal fighting and gladiatorial battles.
Upon its completion, spectacular 100-day celebrations were organized as part of the opening ceremony in 72 AD. Its name is believed to come from Nero's enormous statue of Colossus that stood close by.

More information:

Address: Piazza del Colosseo
Information and Booking: 06 39 96 77 00
Opening Times: Mondays-Saturdays 9 am-1:30 pm/2:30 pm-5 pm
Tickets: from 8 to 12,5 Euros (The prices include the cost of the exhibition hosted. During the period without the exhibition the prices have a discount of 2 €)

Visit Rome with the Rome Pass Card PlusColosseum Tickets

The Colosseum, originally known as the Flavian Amphitheater, or simply as Amphitheatrum is the largest and most important Roman amphitheater that can hold up to 50,000 spectators..

A Guided Tour is also available: Colosseum Guided Tour

Book your guided tour in Rome with us!Entrance Price: EUR €19 per person
Guided Tour Price: EUR €25 per person


Our Suggestion


Ancient Rome Walking Tour includes Colosseum, Roman Forum, Trevi Fountain and Pantheon

Ancient Rome Half-Day Walking Tour

Join this three hour walking tour and experience 2753 years of ancient ruins and intriguing history. Visit the best known monuments of Rome such as the Colosseum, Roman Forum, Capitoline Hill, Trevi Fountain, the Pantheon, and Piazza Navona, as your professional guide brings the ancient city of Rome alive for you.

Book your guided tour in Rome with us!Duration: 3 hours
Price: Starting from EUR €27.00 per person
based on traveler feedback

Imperial Rome Tour - Roman Forum, Colosseum, St Paul's Basilica

Imperial Rome Tour - Roman Forum, Colosseum, St Paul's Basilica

As your coach takes you through the bustling streets of modern Rome, you will be astounded at the ancient monuments which lie around every corner. You can see The Roman Forum - the political, legal and business center of ancient Rome, and the Colosseum - venue of spectacular chariot races and gladiatorial battles

Book your guided tour in Rome with us!Duration: 3 hours
Price: Starting from EUR €35 per person
based on traveler feedback

Monuments in Rome: Cesar's Forum

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CAESAR'S FORUM, the "Roman Forum"

The Forum of Caesar was the first of the Roman Forums. Caesar bought the area in 54 BC and the inauguration took place on September 26th 46BC but the construction of the Forum came actually to an end under Augustus.
The Forum was made up by a rectangular long square, with a equestrian statue of Caesar in the middle.
Today, the visible part of the forum is the result of a restauration dating back from 1930 and it represent the half of the entire original area.

Phone: tel. 06 39 96 77 00
Opening Times: 9 - 1h (Before the sunset)
Ticket: Free Entry

Monuments in Rome: Area Sacra di Torre Argentina

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Largo Torre Argentina is a square in Rome that hosts four Republican Roman temples, and the reminings of Pompey's Theater. It is located in the ancient Campus Martius.

Address: Via di San Nicola de' Cesarini
Phone: 0667103819
Ticket: Euro 2,10


Monuments in Rome: Constantine's Arch

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The Arch of Constantine was erected to honor Emperor Constantine after the battle against Maxentius in 315 AD., at the Milvian Bridge. The Arch was constructed with materials taken from other earlier imperial monuments dedicated to Trajan and Hadrian. On the top you can read the inscription: "Constantine overcame his enemies by divine inspiration".

For more information about the Constantine's Arch visit our special section: click here

Address: Via di S. Gregorio (Colosseo - Piazza Venezia)

Monuments in Rome: Circo Massimo

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In the 4th century B.C., the Circus Maximus was one of the largest stadia in Rome, with a capacity of 250,000 seated spectators. It was the venue for horse racing, athletics tournaments and animal fighting. The last races held there were in 549 A.D. Another very popular sport was marine battling: the arena was filled with water and fights between light boats took place. The tower is from medieval times.

For more information on Circo Massimo visit our special section: click here

Address: Viale del Circo Massimo

Monuments in Rome: Palatine Hill

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The hill which was the first nucleus of city life in Rome became thereafter the Imperial Headquarters. It is some 70 metres high and looks down on one side upon the Forum Romanum and on the other side upon the Circus Maximus.

It is surmounted by the Villa Farnese, which, with its many gardens and staircases, covers much of the hill, and hence a good deal of the architectural remains of the Roman age.

According to Roman mythology, the Palatine hill was where Romulus and Remus were found by the she-wolf that kept them alive. According to this legend, the shepherd Faustulus found the infants, and with his wife Acca Larentia raised the children. When they were older this is where Romulus decided to build Rome.

Here you can also find the Domus Tiberiana, or Ancient House of Tiberius.

Address: Via di S.Gregorio 3
Phone: 06 39 96 77 00
Opening Times: Mondays-Saturdays 9 am-1:30 pm/2:30 pm-5 pm.
Ticket: from 8 to 12,5 Euros (ticket valid for the Palatine Hill, the Palatine Museum and the Coliseum too)


Forum of Augustus

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The Imperial Forums consist of a series of monumental fora (public squares), constructed in Rome over a period of one and half centuries, between 46 BC and 113 AD. The forums were the heart of the late Roman Republic and of the Roman Empire.

The Imperial forums are not part of the Roman Forum, which was the public square during the Roman Republic. These forums were the centres of politics, religion and economy in the ancient Rome.

Address: Via dei Fori Imperiali / Via Quattro Novembre, 94
Phone: 06 69 78 05 32
Opening Times: Winter 9 - 16.30, Summer 9 - 18.30, Mon. Closed

Our Suggestion
Imperial Rome Tour - Roman Forum, Colosseum, St Paul's Basilica

Imperial Rome Tour - Roman Forum, Colosseum, St Paul's Basilica

As your coach takes you through the bustling streets of modern Rome, you will be astounded at the ancient monuments which lie around every corner. You can see The Roman Forum - the political, legal and business center of ancient Rome, and the Colosseum - venue of spectacular chariot races and gladiatorial battles

Book your guided tour in Rome with us!Duration: 3 hours
Price: Starting from EUR €35 per person
based on traveler feedback


Forum of Augustus

Photo by Mary Harrsch

The Forum of Augustus is one of the Imperial forums of Rome, built by Augustus. It includes the Temple of Mars Ultor.

The Augustan Forum was built in celebration of Augustus' victory (together with Marcus Antonius) over Caesar's murderers, and it took 40 years to build and was completed in 2 BC. Its North side was dominated by a Temple dedicated to Mars the Avenger. The centrepiece of the forum was a statue of Augustus riding triumphant in a chariot.

Market of Traiano

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Trajan's Forum is chronologically the last of the Imperial Forums of Rome.

The ruins of Trajan's Forum rise 16 feet below modern street level in the heart of Rome, and resemble pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle. These are the ruins of an exceptional monument, begun during Trajan's principate and finished by his successor, Hadrian, in A.D. 128. Though the forum was described by the historian Ammianus Marcellinus (A.D. 330-395) as "a gigantic complex...beggaring description and never again to be imitated by mortal men," today's battered remains convey little of its past glory


Monuments in Rome: Mausoleum of Augustus

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"The Mausoleum of Augustus, built by Augustus as his own family tomb, looks back to the Etruscan tumulus for its basic form, though it broke the long-standing rule forbidding burial inside the city. It had as its base a huge cylinder, 88 m (290 ft) in diameter. The outer wall was constructed of concrete, faced with travertine opus quadratum. Behind this, a complex system of four circumferential and numerous radial walls, similarly constructed of concrete but now mostly faced with opus reticulatum, divided the interior into concentric compartments, though, apart from the sepulchral chamber and the passages leading to it, these compartments were simply filled with earth." (Sir Banister Fletcher. A History of Architecture).

Address: Piazza Augusto Imperatore
Phone: 0667103819
Opening Times: Saturday and Sundat from 10:00 to 13:00.
Tickets: 2,10 €

Monuments in Rome: Tiberine Isle

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Isola Tiberina

Isle Tiberine rises in the middle of river Tevere, in Rome: it was an important place during the settlement of early Romans on the sourrounding territories. It is bound to the ground by the Fabricio and the Cestio bridges. It was dedicated Asculapio, god of the Medicin.


Monuments in Rome: Pantheon

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The Pantheon is one of the great spiritual buildings of the world. It was built as a Roman temple and later consecrated as a Catholic Church. Its monumental porch originally faced a rectangular colonnaded temple courtyard and now enfronts the smaller Piazza della Rotonda. Through great bronze doors, one enters one great circular room. The interior volume is a cylinder above which rises the hemispherical dome. Opposite the door is a recessed semicircular apse, and on each side are three additional recesses, alternately rectangular and semicircular, separated from the space under the dome by paired monolithic columns. The only natural light enters through an unglazed oculus at the center of the dome and through the bronze doors to the portico. As the sun moves, striking patterns of light illuminate the walls and floors of porphyry, granite and yellow marbles.

Address: Piazza della Rotonda
Phone: 06 68 30 02 30
Opening Times: 8h 30 - 18h 30; Sunday 9h - 18h; holiday 9h - 13h 30
Tickets: Free Entry

Our Suggestion


Classical Rome Tour: Trevi Fountain, Pantheon, Navona Square, St Peter's Basilica

Classical Rome Tour: Trevi Fountain, Pantheon, Navona Square, St Peter's Basilica

Discover the classic monuments on a three hour sightseeing tour of Rome. Throw a coin in the Trevi Fountain, see the sun beam through the oculus at the Pantheon, mingle with the locals gathering at Navona Square and visit St. Peter's Basilica, with the Papal Blessing on Sundays.

Book your guided tour in Rome with us!Duration: 3 - 6 hours
Price: Starting from EUR €35 per person
based on traveler feedback

Classical Rome around the Pantheon

Private Tour: Classical Rome Art History Walking Tour

This tour visits places which are very much alive today but had Roman origins, Piazza Navona and the stadium of Domitian, Palazzo Altemps with a wealth of Roman sculptures, the Pantheon still intact after 1900 years and Largo Argentina where Julius Caesar was assassinated.

Book your guided tour in Rome with us!Duration: 3 - 3,5 hours
Price: Starting from EUR €50 per person

Ancient Rome Walking Tour includes Colosseum, Roman Forum, Trevi Fountain and Pantheon

Ancient Rome Half-Day Walking Tour

Join this three hour walking tour and experience 2753 years of ancient ruins and intriguing history. Visit the best known monuments of Rome such as the Colosseum, Roman Forum, Capitoline Hill, Trevi Fountain, the Pantheon, and Piazza Navona, as your professional guide brings the ancient city of Rome alive for you.

Book your guided tour in Rome with us!Duration: 3 hours
Price: Starting from EUR €27.00 per person
based on traveler feedback

Monuments in Rome: Mouth of the Truth

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Bocca della Verità

The Mouth of Truth has hung in the portico of the Church of Santa Maria in Cosmedin in Rome since 1632. Every day, this cracked marble disk, depicting an image of the river god, attracts tourists and the curious (and maybe even the jealous or suspicious who want to test their partner's fidelity). It was thought that a liar would loose his hands if he placed them in the mouth of the Bocca del Verita. Thought to be an ancient Roman ornamental drain cover, the disk certainly provides plenty of amusement and maybe just a shiver as you take the test.

Monuments in Rome: Caio Cestia's Pyramid

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Piramide di Caio Cestia

The Cestia Pyramid in Rome is a funerary monument dedicated to the member of the "College of the Septemviri", who probably died in 12 before Christ, Caio Cestio Epulone. The work, is externally covered by marble slabs. The Cestia Pyramid is approximately 37 metres high, and it is laying on a square base with a side equal to 30 metres. The complex, built in an isolated position along the "via Ostiense", is nowadays close to the Door of San Paolo along the path of the Aurelius walls, where it was placed by the Imperator himself between 274 and 277 after Christ.

Ponte S. Angelo or Ponte Elio

Monuments in Rome: St. Anglelo's Bridge

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This bridge, known as the Pons Aelius (Aelius Bridge), Ponte San Angelo, or the "Angel's Bridge," has been spanning the Tiber in one form or another for almost two thousand years. This bridge links St. Angelo's Castle to the Campus Martius and the ornate statuary gives the bridge a grandeur fitting for its location.

Monuments in Rome: St. Paul Gate

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Porta San Paolo

Known in antiquity as the Porta Ostiensis, the gate opened into the Via Ostiense which led to St. Paul´s Basilica from which the gate took its present name.


Monuments in Rome: Caracalla's Thermal Baths

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They are named also "Antoniane" and were built up from 212 A.D. up to 217 A.D. by Emperor Caracalla.They are placed in the homonymous street near the beginning of the famous Ancient Appia road. These baths were till the invasion of the Goths who destroyed their feeding acqueduct. These thermal baths were able to receive, at the same time, 1700 people in great baths fitted out with warm, lukewarm and cold water. Statues, splendidly frescoed vaults and valuable marbles adorned this thermal complex. Besides, round their most refined rooms and piscinae, there were libraries, palestras and gardens that made pleasant and relaxing this place. They were grand and important in the antiquity but still today you can be enchanted before the remains of that ancient splendor.

Address: Via delle Terme di Caracalla 52
Phone: 06 39 96 77 00
Opening Times: Mondays-Saturdays 9 am-1:30 pm/2:30 pm-5 pm
Tickets: Appia Antica Card Euro 6,00 - Archeologia Card Euro 20,00


Monuments in Rome: Cecilia Metella's Tomb

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The tomb of Cecilia Metella, the daughter-in-law of the triumvir Crassus, was converted into a fortress by the Caetani (their coat of arms is still there), who added the pinnacles and built a palace. They fortified with walls a little village which included a church (S. Nicola di Bari). The fortress was attacked and damaged several times and eventually became a brigands' retreat.

Address: Via Appia Antica 161
Phone: 06 39 96 77 00
Opening Times: Mondays-Saturdays 9 am-1:30 pm and 2:30 pm-5 pm
Tickets: Appia Antica Card Euro 6,00 - Archeologia Card Euro 20,00.

Monuments in Rome: Vittoriano

Photo by Fabrizio Sarallo


It's a monument entitled to Vittorio Emanuele II of Savoia, first king of Italy. It is called also Monumento Nazionale a Vittorio Emanuele II (National Monument of Victor Emmanuel II) or Altare della Patria (Altar of the Fatherland).

It occupies a site between the Piazza Venezia and the Capitoline Hill. The monument was designed by Giuseppe Sacconi in 1895 and was completed in 1935.

It was opened in 1925. to bury the Unknown Warrior, symbol of all people dead during First World War. Today, the monument holds the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier with an eternal flame. The base of the structure also houses the museum of Italian Reunification.

Address: Piazza Venezia
Phone: 06 69 91 718
Opening Times: Winter 9.30 - 16.30, Summer 9.30 - 17.30.
Tickets: Free Entry.

Our Suggestion
Visit and discover Vicus Caprarius in Rome

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A fascinating archaeological area in the heart of Rome

The Vicus Caprarius, called also “La Città dell’Acqua”, is an archaeological area in the quarter of Trevi, a few metres from the most popular fountain in the world: the Trevi Fountain. This spectacular area is a recent excavation of a imperial roman quarter. In the Vicus Caprarius the same water of Trevi Fountain gushes out...

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